Friday, November 28, 2008

Fighting Hunger & Celebrating Sugar Art...

I hope everyone had a really wonderful Turkey Day. There was a time in my life when holidays didn't mean anything to me. Not only did I not recognize holidays, I flat out didn't like them. They still are not of any earth-shattering importance in my life, but I do try to be more selfless and considerate of family needs and excitement and actually acknowledge them. Somewhat. A little. In my own way. More than I did the past 10ish years. It's a start, right? :) But no matter how much I didn't get into holidays, I always had a desire to feed people, regardless of whether or not it was a holiday or an any day. I strongly believe delicious, freshly prepared food is a human RIGHT and not a privilege, and I am now determined to do whatever I can to ensure that everyone has food to eat whenever they are hungry.

Because of my belief, the decision to support our local food charities was a no-brainer. Nashville has a wealth of amazing food options, and doesn't get the credit it deserves or earned- Gabe's Gurl Event Productions is working that end of this equation! My hope- and goal- is that we can come together as an industry to help replenish the depleted food supplies that are in high demand right now.

I know that times are tough right now, and we all have had to make some changes, cutbacks, and sacrifices to weather our troubled economy. While I feel certain that our economy will soon rebound, the emotional, physical, and mental effects of hunger, and in its more serious form, starvation, are lasting. We cannot ignore the plight of those whose times may be a little harder than ours, and I just ask that we do what we can to fight it.

Because of such tough times, donations to Second Harvest are down dramatically. We are getting some things set up that will make donating easier. In addition, we will be doing an onsite food drive where Gallery guests can bring items to donate at the door. It doesn't have to be much- just do what you can.

Have dessert tonight!

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